HTML Link Tags

How Links work on a web page:

Linking to [the top of] another web page:


To improve your communication skills, go visit the home page of Gorin & Cook, Inc. anytime you want.

would be coded as:

To improve your communication skills,
go visit the home page of 
<A HREF="">Gorin & Cook, Inc.</A> 
anytime you want.

Linking to an anchor within the same web page:

You can link to an anchor within the current webpage document, by using the Anchor NAME attribute:

Example: Go to the top of this section.

This was coded as:

Go to <A HREF="#topsect"> the top
of this section</A>.

Where at the top of this section is coded:

<A NAME="topsect"><H2>Linking to 
an anchor within the same web page:</H2></A>

Linking to an anchor within another web page:

You can link to an anchor within another webpage document, by using the Anchor NAME attribute:

Example: Go back to the Agenda.

This was coded by:

<A HREF="class.html#agenda"> Go back to 
the Agenda</A>.

Where within the Agenda section of class.html we coded:

<A NAME="agenda">HTML Class: Agenda</A>