A brief list of useful German travel phrases
Brought to you by your friends at

Sorry, but we do NOT do custom translations.  If you want translations for this language, contact the person who contributed these phrases to our website:  Ruf Peter (Austria) and Scott MacLaren and K. Okuda

We can not vouch for the accuracy of these phrases as they are submitted to us by internet visitors and we do not verify correctness of their phrases. If you have any additions, corrections, or questions, please send fill out the correction form to let us know.

These translations indicate how to say the word phonetically.

hello = HALLO
goodbye = AOF VEE-DER-ZAYN
please = BIT-TE
thank you =
it is nice to meet you = NET SEE KEN-NEN ZU LER-NEN
take me to my hotel = BRING-EN SEE MICH ZU MY-NEM HO-TEL
where is the bathroom = WO IST DAS BAHD-ZIM-MER or WO SIND DIE TOI-LET-TEN
how much does this cost = VY-VEAL KOS-TET DAS
help = HILFE
doctor = DOCK-TORE
police = PO-LIT-ZEE
pharmacy = A-POTH-EKE
taxi = TAXI
train = TSUG
subway = U-BAHN
bus = BUS
left = LINKS
right = RECHTS
middle = MIT-TEH
under = UN-TER
beef = RIND
chicken = PU-LEH or HUHN
lamb = LAM
fish = FISCH
pork = SCHVINE
veal = KALB
broil = GRIL-LEN
bake = BAC-KEN
boil = KO-CHEN
fry = BRA-TIN
vegetable = GE-MUSE
salad = SAL-AT
bread = BROT
cheese = KAEZE
rice = REIS
potato = KAR-TOF-FEL
soup = SUP-PAH
chocolate = SHOW-KO-LAYD
dessert = DES-SERT
coffee = KAF-FEY
tea = TEE
milk = MILCH
beer = BEER
purified water = ME-NER-OL VOSS-ER

Last revision: January 4, 2003
© Copyright 1996-2003, Gorin & Cook, Inc.