A brief list of useful Mandarin travel phrases
Brought to you by your friends at

Sorry, but we do NOT do custom translations.  If you want translations for this language, contact the person who contributed these phrases to our website:  Tian Nuan Chen tinnuenchan@hotmail.com

We can not vouch for the accuracy of these phrases as they are submitted to us by internet visitors and we do not verify correctness of their phrases. If you have any additions, corrections, or questions, please send fill out the correction form to let us know.

These translations indicate how to say the word phonetically.

yes = SHR
no = BOO SHR
hello = NEE HOW
goodbye = DZAI JIEN
please = CHING
thank you = SHYEH SHYEH
it is nice to meet you = HEN GOW SHING REN SHR NI
take me to my hotel = CHING LING WO DOW WO DE LOO GWAN
where is the bathroom = TSE SWOH DZAI NA LEE
how much does this cost = DWOH SHOW CHIEN
help = JYO MING AH
doctor = YEE SHENG
police = JING CHA
pharmacy = YOW DIEN
train = HWO CHE
subway = DEE TYEH
bus = BA SR
street = LOO
left = DZWOH
right = YO
middle = JOONG
under = SHYA
beef = NYO RO
chicken = JEE
lamb = YANG RO
fish = YOO
pork = JOO RO
veal = NYO RO
ham = HWO TWAY
broil =
bake = COW
boil = JOO
fry = CHOW
vegetable = SHOO TSAI
salad = SHA RA
bread = MYEN BOW
cheese = NAI LOW
rice = MEE
potato = TOO DO
soup = TANG
chocolate = CHYOW KE LEE
dessert = TYEN PEEN
coffee = KA FAY
tea = CHA
milk = NYO NAI
beer = PEE JYO
purified water = KWANG CHWAN SHWAY

Last revision:  January 4, 2003
© Copyright 1996-2003, Gorin & Cook, Inc.