Help!  I need to translate a foreign language phrase or word!

Website brought to you by your friends at:
Gorin & Cook, Inc.

We're sorry.  We do not do custom translations.  The translations provided on this website have been contributed by internet visitors such as yourself--not us--we just maintain the website. 

If you want a phrase or word translated, please contact the person(s) who contributed the phrases for the language you want.  Just:

  1. go to the home page,  
  2. then click on the language you want,
  3. then click on the linked name of the contributor at the top of the page, and
  4. send email to them with your question.

Thanks for following this procedure!

Another idea:  contact your local university's foreign language department for assistance.  Or contact a foreign embassy in Washington DC or New York City for assistance.

Good luck!