Criteria of Restaurant and Dining Out Guide
Here's the criteria that I use for the restaurants in this website:

It's quite simple. I ONLY list restaurants that I've patronized and found worthy enough to have taken a souvenir matchbook. Now some of the restaurants were above average, so I note these with a coffee mug (). However, for restaurants that were really GREAT, I note these with two coffee mugs ().

So here are the criteria by which I judge a restaurant (along with weighting percentages):

If I haven't listed your favorite restaurant, it's probably because I just haven't eaten there yet.  Sorry, but I only list restaurants at which I have eaten.  Also, I do not guarantee that any of these restaurants will meet your expectations of good dining or value for your money, nor am I certain of the continued existence and addresses of these restaurants.

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© Copyright 1997-2007, Mike Cook